
Cultural Burning and Wildfire Policy with Dr. Nina Fontana

Dr. Nina Fontana is a researcher at the University of California Davis in collaboration with USGS Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center. Her research focuses on cultural burning and Traditional Ecological Knowledge in forest-dependent communities. In February 2024, Nina participated in a series of policy engagement workshops in Washington, DC facilitated by COMPASS and the Federation of American Scientists.

Error 404: Colorado River Water Not Found

The EPM Policy Clinic partnered with ICF International to conduct a retrospective analysis of Colorado River management and provide forward looking and innovative recommendations.

Immigration Policies Don’t Deter Migrants From Coming to the US – Title 42 and the Border Rules Replacing It Only Make the Process Longer and More Difficult

Politicians have been saying there’s an immigration crisis at the border for decades and have been trying to fix it for nearly as long. The rules have changed many times over the years – and they are about to change again as a pandemic-era set of restrictions expires May 11, 2023.

California Budget Includes Money to Help Homeless Animals

"California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed budget legislation that includes $45 million in one-time support for a statewide Animal Shelter Assistance Program. The program will be administered by the Koret Shelter Medicine Program, at the University of California, Davis, Center for Companion Animal Health. The increase will be used to fund grants and outreach for the state’s animal shelters over a period of five years.