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Traditional measures of career success in science have too narrow a focus on publications, according to a new report. (PLOS Biology)

Publish and Flourish: Taking a Broader Approach to Measure Success in Science

By Andy Fell on June 17, 2021

"The way success in scientific careers is measured needs to change if science is to become more diverse, inclusive and equitable, according to a group of women scientists including Professor Tessa Hill and postdoctoral researcher Alyssa Griffin at the UC Davis Department of Earth and Planetary Science and Bodega Marine Laboratory. A paper by the group was published June 15 in PLOS Biology.

Success in science has often been defined by the concept “Publish or perish.” Success is often quantified through the number of peer-reviewed journal publications a scientist produces and by two measures of their quality: how often they are cited in other papers (citation index) and an “impact factor” which is supposed to measure the influence of the journal in which they appear."

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